© d//lux visuals

”our clients love epictor filled images”

d//lux visuals

Breathe Life into Your Visualizations
Visualizations for architects have emerged in recent years. The strategic placing of people makes every architectural visualization nicer and livelier. There are different ways of doing this. You can add cut-out people that fit into the surroundings, or, on the other hand, use people without a background, that stand out from the actual visualization. Many visualization agencies use abstract templates and patterns or silhouettes of people and objects. Epictor was founded, therefore, to provide exactly such products: Cut-out people, whether in casual leisure clothing or business attire, lying or sitting; pictures of young people to images of senior citizens. Our claim to excellence was high from the beginning. All cut-out people are shown in natural poses, the images have been carefully cropped and all edited images delivered in TIF format, with alpha canal. All the pictures are compatible with common visualization programs such as Autodesk Autocad 3d studio (3ds), Maxon Cinema 4D, Autodesk Autocad, Chaos Group VRay and Photshop and complement the lists of staffage sets and templates for human figures that are included in these programmes. Epictor helps you realize your visualizations in a more lively manner, and takes joy in the living.